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Black Entrepreneur Experience

Aug 26, 2020

Lucinda Cross a best-selling author, internationally known speaker, TV personality, and energetic teacher of personal and professional development. Activate WorldWide is a leadership services firm that specializes in marketing and consulting those who are considered “the best-kept secret” to building a...

Aug 19, 2020

Kristin Marquet is a founder and creative director of Marquet Media, LLC Prior to launching, Kristin served as the Creative Director of the award-winning PR firm, Creative Development Agency. She oversaw the day-to-day operations of the agency as well as directed all...

Aug 12, 2020

Bill Perkins, author of the provocative new book DIE WITH ZERO: Getting All You Can From Your Money and Your Life    BILL PERKINS is the CEO of BrisaMax Holdings and the living embodiment of what he preaches. After training on Wall Street, Perkins made his fortune in Houston as an energy trader. These days, Perkins is...

Aug 5, 2020

Maranda is a Brand Strategist, who helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and creatives identify their unique purpose and brand voice so they can connect to their audience. As a woman of color, she has a passion and a knack for connecting to black owned businesses.    Maranda is a Jackson, MS native, and worked as an...

Aug 5, 2020

Did you know that I used to be an assistant principal of an elementary school? And before that I was a youth pastor?   Trading changed my life.   One night I wrote two words in my journal: trade and travel. That was my dream. I had always been interested in investing and had tried on my own, but failed. I also loved to...